发布时间: 2017-03-24 浏览次数: 70







教学课程: 商务沟通,英语语法

研究方向: 商务和科技英语应用文写作


科学和工程教育中的具备责任感的研究行为:对多国研究生在道德动机和伦理敏感度方面的测试,美国国家科学基金会项目(National Science Foundation),(主要参与者)


1. 任静芳,2012“Three Recent Books on Research Methods in Technical Communication” (关于商业和科技传播领域的研究方法论的三本核心专著的理论性和实用性的比较分析),Technical Communication Quarterly (技术传播学刊) 201221期第4季刊

2. 任静芳,Ann BradyErik Hayenga2012“Moving on and Beyond: Technical Communication Assessment for Tomorrow.” (继承与超越:对商业和技术传播专业的前瞻性评估),Programmatic Perspectives (专业课程展望)第4期第1季刊

3. Michael Bowler, Susan Amato-Henderson; Tom Drummer; Joseph Holles; 任静芳,Joanna Schreiber; Ted Lockhart; and Debra Charlesworth2011“Does a STEM Researcher’s Role Orientation Predict His or Her Ethical Sensitivity to Responsible Conduct of Research?” (科学技术工程及数学四大领域的研究员的自我角色定位是否可以成为他们在具备责任感的研究行为中伦理学方面的预估因子),Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Engineering Education 2011 (美国工程学教育会议2011年度会议论文集) 2011年六月刊

4. Michael Bowler, Susan Amato-Henderson; Tom Drummer; Joseph Holles; 任静芳;Joanna Schreiber; Ted Lockhart; and Debra Charlesworth2010“Assessing Role Orientation Among STEM Researchers: The Development of a Research Role Orientation Inventory,” (评估科学技术工程及数学四大领域的研究员的自我角色定位:角色定位模板的研发和应用),Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Engineering Education 2010 (美国工程学教育会议2010年度会议论文集)2010年六月刊

5. Michael BowlerSusan Amato-Henderson; Tom Drummer; Joseph Holles; 任静芳;Joanna Schreiber; Ted Lockhart; and Debra Charlesworth2010“Testing for Ethical Sensitivity to Responsible Conduct of Research among Multi-National STEM Researchers,” (对于科学技术工程及数学领域的多国研究员在具备责任感的研究行为中涉及到伦理方面问题的敏感度的测试)Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Engineering Education 2010 (美国工程学教育会议2010年度会议论文集) 2010年六月刊

6. Michael Salvo, 任静芳, H. Allen Brizee, and Tammy S. Conard-Salvo2009“Usability Research in the Writing Lab: Sustaining Discourse and Pedagogy.” (写作中心的实用性研究)Computers and Composition. (电脑时代的写作研究,200926期第2季刊。

7. Michael Salvo, 任静芳, 2007, “Participatory Assessment: Negotiating Engagement in a Technical Communication Program.”(全程参与性的课程评估法:商业和技术传播课程评估新方法的研发和应用) Technical Communication (技术传播)200754期第 4季刊.

8. 任静芳,2005“A Review of Virtual Peer Review: Teaching and Learning About Writing in Online Environments.” (网络环境中的写作教学书评)Journal of Business and Technical Communication (商业与技术传播)200519期第2 季刊.


Kate Agena, Karl Stolley, Rita Wu, Christopher Eklund, Christopher Berry, 任静芳, Jennie Blankert, David Blakesley, Serkan Gorkemli, Bob Stein, et al, eds2003Digital Publishing F5 | Refreshed. (出版行业的电子化),Parlor Press Parlor 出版社)2003